Friday, February 13, 2015

Thursday Feb. 12, 2015


This is an inside photo merge to make sure I was still doing it right. I am soI don't   know  why it isn't working outside. I have to brainstorm why outside isn't working, I have a feeling it is because I gave it to much wiggle room.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015



This is a better attempt at shooting a photomerge outside. I realize that part of the background  is over exposed. The reason I chose this spot was because the  lighting was even throughout the person. I feel happier with this image than the last one. I feel like this next one i shoot will be done right.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Tuesday February 3,2015


This is the try of outside photo merge. It didn't really work that well. I don't know why that it didn't work, I shot it just like the rest of them. I started out at the top and went down, then did the sides. I don't know what to do about it. Everything I did was the same, so it is just trial and error now.

Thursday February 5,2015


This is another photo merge picture. I am happy because the background turned out really blurry, probably better than the other ones I have done. I wish that the background wasn't so bright, but I couldn't cut the window out of the picture. I am happy that it came out properly exposed, on the other ones I did't really worry about how it was exposed. I really think I have gotten the hang of this. This is getting easy for me I just have to worry about shooting these outside.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


This is just a temporary filler for my blog until I can get back to school to properly update it. I need Photoshop and bridge for photo merging, which I don't have. So, Monday when I get to school I get to update both of my blogs for this week. Everything has been falling behind this week, partially due to the fact that I got sick and partially because that's how life is. I will have my blog updated ASAP.