Sunday, May 29, 2016

Thursday May 12, 2016

Motion photography can be two different things. One where you stop motion with no motion blur in the background, or two, you have a motion blur in the background from where you followed a moving object. Nascar is a good representation of that because they are always moving. You can follow the moving object at a constant speed and get the motion blur in the background like the first one, with a slow shutter speed. Two, you can set a fast shutter speed and get completely stop motion like the second one.

Thursday May 5, 2016

Fashion photography is much like makeup photography. You want the lighting to make the model look eloquent and beautiful. You want the emphasis to be on your product t and make it look stunning. There's really not a lot to say about fashion photography other than I wouldn't want to do it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuesday May 10, 2016

These are time lapse pictures. There are two different types of time lapse per say. One you can take multiple pictures during the action and then select certain ones and layer them in photoshop. Then you can have the paining with light technique and letting the shutter stay open for a long period of time. I have done the leaving the shutter opened and painted with light. It is difficult, but isn't that difficult for me. I haven't tried taking several stills and then layering them. It doesn't sound like it would be that difficult, but layering the images ma be where it difficult. It doesn't acquire any flashes with painting with light unless you have something that you want exposed, but doesn't have any light on it. The layering may have extra lighting but doesn't have to if you don't need it.

Tuesday May 17, 2016

These are macro pictures. To do macro photography you need a macro lens and a tripod for sure. When I was looking at macro photography I saw a lot of insects. I think that getting micro of insects would be very hard because bugs scare easily and it's a long waiting process. To shoot macro you to use additional lighting to get everything exposed properly. You can do the overdone water drop or you could do the water drops on something that have something in the drop. The lighting on micro needs to usually have an umbrella so it isn't so harsh. Macro is an interesting form of photography that requires its own skill level. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Tuesday May 3, 2016

I am looking at beauty photography. Beauty photography uses either son lighting or heavenly like lighting.  The photographer is trying to make the model look as beautiful as possible.  The soft lighting hides the models flaws on her skin better.  The heavenly lighting gives a soft light on the face from the bright background. Beauty photography is focused on the face usually to advertise makeup or a hair product. The lighting uses an umbrella to reflect the light and make it softer. A need for this is a good makeup artist and hairstylist. The lighting wants to look natural and not like it came from a flash. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Thursday April 28, 2016

Continuing my looking at different types of photography. The first thing I know about wedding photography is you need off camera flash. If you only have a flash on the camera or no flash at all, you are doing it wrong. The thing about wedding photography is telling the story and catching the detail. When you are getting pictures before the wedding, like of the dress or the bride, you want to try and catch the detail and gorgeousness of the dress. You want to try and make everything look as pretty as possible.When you are shooting the ceremony itself, you want to tell the story. You want to make sure you try and capture everything. When shooting before the wedding, you can use natural lighting of that go the window to backlight something. I don't really like the second picture because the lighting is so bright, because there is no umbrella on the flashes.