Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/11 Reflection

My view on photojournalism changed after watching the video. I feel like the photojournalist were one of the most important people there. Without them nobody would see the harshness of the event. The events of that day were forever captured through photojournalist being there. The video shows that photos can change the way people think. The photographers that died that day were trying to get pictures to tell America what had happened that tragic day. The photojournalist captured something that will be here for years to come.

After watching the video I realize now the horror and confusion on that day. I only ever heard stories, I never really saw photos of what happened. I felt a feeling deep inside of me, it was sadness. My mind was trying to process the tragedy of the situation. The bravery it took to go in and do that is something I just couldn't do. I wouldn't have been able to deal with all the death and tears. My body would have shut down and become a shell. If I had seen that I would have never be the same person.

The photojournalist that witnessed that have to deal with that everyday. They see things that no one else see. Every bad thing is forever stuck in their mind. Every person they saw that came out of that building  was a brother, daughter, parent. They will remember the faces and family of the ones who died. Things like that never fade in someones mind. Every minute detail will be forever stuck in their head. It most likely gave them a new outlook on life. They realized that anything can happen on any day of the week.

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