Friday, September 26, 2014

Off Camera Flash

ISO- 100
Aperture- 4.0
Shutter Speed- 1/250

This is the best one from the first location. It is a little overexposed, but other than that it is okay. I wish that it wasn't so bright and unnatural looking.

ISO- 100
Aperture- 3.5
Shutter Speed- 1/250

This is the best one from the second location. Like the first one this one is too bright for my liking. The lighting also looks unnatural. Also I wish half of her face wasn't in the shadow. The wall is too bright also.

ISO- 100
Aperture- 4.5
Shutter Speed- 1/250

This is the best one from the third location.  The door is a little bright and so is the subject. I caught her in action, so it looks just a little weird. Her shirt was the hardest part because her shirt kept being over exposed.

Aperture- 1.8
Shutter Speed- 1/500

This is the split picture at the first location. The split of light is from the the shutter speed. The shutter speed was to fast to catch all the light from the flash. The light was caught halfway. If I slow the shutter speed down all the light would be caught.

This is the bad picture at the first location. Everything about this picture is wrong. Half of her face is in the shadows. It is also a little under exposed. The shirt is exposed right, but everything else is wrong.

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