Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Thursday October 29, 2015






This is the blog that has two of the outside assignments on it. When looking to make sure that my blogs were done I noticed that I didn't have these two assignments on it.  The first ones are from field of faiths and the second group are from the Pine Tree football game. The fields of faith was hard to shoot because it was hard to find the THS kids in the mix of everyone. Part of the problem is I don't know a lot of kids that go to our school. Those that I did know I weren't there. This assignment really taught me that I really need to get out there and not care what people think of you. I know that part of the reason these photos suck is because I felt really uncomfortable being there. I shied away to the back and didn't want to be at the front of the crowd. This really taught me that I need to just don't care about what people think while I am on an assignment. Part of the problem with shooting this was people didn't understand so they kept looking at the camera weirdly like the kid on the edge of the second picture. Now onto the football pictures. I really like the second picture because it is framed by the other two people, however you can't really see the ball carrier. The first one looks like it is know of titled, but I think it is just the way that he is running. The last one I like, but I cut the legs off the people. Also, you really can't tell who our player is, but you can tell who their player is. 

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