Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Spiderman Project

Shutter Speed-1/250

This project was difficult because my subject did not really want to jump at the wall. In the end though, she finally agreed to do it. The hard part was getting the timing right. The easy thing was getting the lighting right. The shadow was a little harsh for my liking but other than that, I like the picture.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Off Camera Flash

ISO- 100
Aperture- 4.0
Shutter Speed- 1/250

This is the best one from the first location. It is a little overexposed, but other than that it is okay. I wish that it wasn't so bright and unnatural looking.

ISO- 100
Aperture- 3.5
Shutter Speed- 1/250

This is the best one from the second location. Like the first one this one is too bright for my liking. The lighting also looks unnatural. Also I wish half of her face wasn't in the shadow. The wall is too bright also.

ISO- 100
Aperture- 4.5
Shutter Speed- 1/250

This is the best one from the third location.  The door is a little bright and so is the subject. I caught her in action, so it looks just a little weird. Her shirt was the hardest part because her shirt kept being over exposed.

Aperture- 1.8
Shutter Speed- 1/500

This is the split picture at the first location. The split of light is from the the shutter speed. The shutter speed was to fast to catch all the light from the flash. The light was caught halfway. If I slow the shutter speed down all the light would be caught.

This is the bad picture at the first location. Everything about this picture is wrong. Half of her face is in the shadows. It is also a little under exposed. The shirt is exposed right, but everything else is wrong.

Book Cover Recreation

ISO- 3200
Aperture- 1.8
Shutter Speed- 1/100
My recreation of the book cover is not lit like the original. My picture is to bright and the lighting is off. The light in the original is not as bright and harsh. The shadows didn't fall like I wanted to. I tried to get the lighting where it would make the shadows fall right, but I couldn't. It really upset me that the picture is not like the original. In my opinion this is a bad picture. I really wish the picture was better,but it's not. The big differences between the original and mine are the hair is not as neat, and the ear is not showing properly. The flower is also white not pink.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Book Cover

The book cover I am recreating is "My Life as a Traitor." For the background I will use a black sheet. The light source is to the left and up of the girl, it is a larger light source because the shadows aren't super hard. The model will be my mother, who will have to braid her hair and add a pink flower at the end. She will be wearing a blank thick strap tank top. The hard part will be the top of the hair. I will have to put the light where it falls more on the back instead of the top of the head. The top of the head will be dark, almost black. The arm starts to darkens as the light source moves away from the arm . It will be hard, but I think I will be able to accomplish it. 

These are my plans to recreate my photo. The background will be a piece of black fabric, so the only thing I will have to worry about is getting the lighting right to show the highlights and the shadows correctly.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Aperture- 2.8
Shutter Speed- 1/2000

This picture was taken in the ninth grade courtyard. The original picture was a little bit darker, but I assume it was taken in a darker place. I really wish that the picture was better. To me it was okay, but not great. I exposed it properly but it lacks the look of the original. I also wish that there was a difference between the subject and the side background, the side is to much like the same color. Other than that I feel good about the photo. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Depth of Field


ISO on all of them are 400. When I went out to shoot this assignment it was hard from the beginning because I couldn't really think of anything that would be different or creative. Then I decided to just use Kinzy by the ninth grade building. After looking and thinking I kniow these photos are bad. One, the background is brighter than the foreground. Two, most are under or over exposed. Three, I should not have been shooting a person, I should have been shooting something else. Four, my whole set up for the picture is wrong; the only thing I did descent was use the rule of thirds. Over all I think I did a terrible job on the assignment, but on the bright side I learned from my mistakes.