Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tuesday March 23, 2015

I shot the photo assignment at Zoohaa, a place to take kids for fun, or a place to drop your kids off. I would post pictures but they want to approve pictures before I use them for anything. Also I have to process and edit all the pictures I took. I really didn't know what to do because the assignment was to get an overview of the place. It was also difficult to get pictures of things without getting children in the picture; Zoohaa said I had to have parents permission to get pictures, and that would have been difficult due to the fact that they have a drop off policy. I don't like the pictures because they just don't seem to be what I would do. I have more of a creative angle and these lack that. It felt weird it being my first assignment because I was kind of lost on what kind and style of picture they wanted. I am so nervous that none of these pictures will work, and they are all crap. I realize now that I will have to learn a lot for next year. I look forward to seeing how all these picture turn out.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday March 19,2015


These are my most recent architecture pictures. I took these after I looked at recent winners. I found that older looking places were better. I am much happier with these than my last ones.  The green door was just something I happened upon. I was just amazed at how I'd never seen it before.  The second and third are the same place. I feel that the second, more in detail photo is okay, but not winning.  The last one is not my favorite because I didn't get the angle I wanted. It just doesn't look like what I had envisioned when I went to take it. I general I think this trip went better than the last one. I want to go back because I didn't get to go all over the place due to time.

Tuesday March 17, 2015



This is my first attempt at shooting architecture. I'm not really a fan of any of these. I just walked around downtown looking for something interesting. I wandered upon pretty mud everything. The second one is underexposed because it was hard to get the stairs properly exposed, but the white in the background would be blown. Shooting these I realize how much I shoot at angles and not straight on. The picture of the cat was just a wait game. I had to be really careful to sneak up and get close to the cat. The fourth or last picture would have to be my favorite. The last though is underexposed. I am going to go back downtown and get more, better pictures.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thursday March 5, 2015

I need to go out and get architecture and shots of childhood fears. I have ideas for childhood fears like using the creeper project. Architecture is confusing to me because I don't know where the line of architecture is drawn. I have some ideas of going downtown to get pictures of old buildings and broke, run down things.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday February 3, 2015

This is a book cover I want to recreate. There is off camera lighting a little to the left of the person. I feel like this is really basic, but it will be interesting to see how this photo will turn out. I need to find a place that has a similar background to the book. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Thursday February 26, 2015

This is a picture that me and one of my classmates are wanting to try and recreate. I know it will be hard and need a fast shutter speed. Other than that I have really no clue on where to begin trying to get this picture.

Tuesday February 24, 2015

These are some of the pictures I took in classes at ATPI. I really got annoyed with people and the teachers. People would say they know how to shoot in manual mode, but didn't know how t control the settings or properly expose an image. The teachers didn't seem to care about properly exposing an image. One teacher told me to beam people with the flash. I had fun even though the stupid people. I really learned how much I actually knew. I could go on and on about ATPI but that would take awhile.