Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thursday May 28, 2015

This is the last blog of the year. I really don't know what to say on this one. I want to thank my teacher for all the hard work and pushing he has done. Also for putting up with my odd quiet self. I want to thank all the fellow photographers who have helped me all year.  Like I said there really isn't much to say. I have all these good memories that I will never forget. God put these people in my life to better me and I feel that they have done just that. I'm really looking for what next year holds for the photography family.

Tuesday May 26, 2015


These are some of the pictures I got while on staff assignments. This was when I realized that I know more than I actually thought. I was so nervous about messing something up. Then with the help of a great friend I realized that I actually knew what I was doing. I still have to work  about coming out of my shell and talking to people more. This makes me really look forward to next year even more. I really don't know what to say about these pictures. I really am excited to be on staff next year.


Thursday May 21, 2015

These are all past photo projects. I know that there are quite a few self assigned projects that I didn't complete I really want to do those. The first photo is painting with light. I really grasped the idea and did it quite well. That one was really fun and I plan on doing it again. The second was recreating an ad. This was the photo that taught me how to do a high key, with the teachers help. I think this really helped me in the idea of studio shots. The next one is the creeper project. I didn't do good on this one. I couldn't get the person properly exposed and have the shadow show up in the background.  The next one is the brenizer method. It took me a little bit to be able to do these. These are something that I need to continue doing so I don't forget how to do them. Overall I feel that I learned how to do many different things to change or create images.

Tuesday May 19, 2015

These are the headshot/body shots I have taken over the past few years. The first one I took was a year ago. At that time I didn't understand what aperture did. I really didn't understand anything. The second was at the beginning of this school year. We were learning how the aperture changed a photo. This is when everything really clicked with me and aperture. The last one is when we were trying to overpower the sun with a flash. In this photograph I wasn't able to do that, but I do have some that I did. When I look back I realize how much I have learned in the past year. I really do enjoy photography, and I feel like next year will be better.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Thursday May 14,2015


These are the pictures that I got for the photo assignment of Better Block Texarkana. I'm really not a big fan of the second picture. I don't like it because the background is underexposed. Also there really isn't anything to the picture; it's just trees. I like the first one because it shows a little of what the event was about. It really doesn't show the booths and everything going on, but you can get a general idea from it. I like it because it is properly exposed, and not really off like the second photograph. I really don't know what to say about the photos because there really wasn't anything to getting these pictures.

Tuesday May 12,2015




When I went to Better Bock Texarkana I was assigned to shoot for the online newspaper, but these are the photos I got just for fun. I realize that these are nothing special, but I like them. On the second one I cut off part of the first canister. On the first one I have no idea what is in the very bottom of the picture. I feel really happy with these pictures though. I really feel like my strong point is photographing animals or things not people.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Thursday May 7,2015

I'm finally catching up on everything with blogs and websites. I hadn't realized that I had gotten so far behind on blogs. When I realized this I got so stressed out about trying to get everything updated. I really am looking forward to next year because even though it will be stressful I know it will be fun. I really wish I had some photos to put on this blog, but I really don't have anything to upload. So here are some photos to look back on my photojournalism year, when I knew almost nothing about photography.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Tuesday May 5,2015




These are the photos of Nakita Marin, she is a really good artist. The assignment was to catch her at lunch, but by the time I saw the assignment lunch was ending, so I had to follow her to class to get the picture. I really wish that I didn't have the background that I have.  also wished that I would have gotten a different angle to get more of her face, but if I did that I would lose the piece of artwork. I kind of wished that she had a piece of art that was colored so it would show up better. I really like her facial expression because it shows that she is into what she does.

Thursday April 30,2015



These are the pictures of Amanda Hackelman. The assignment was to get a picture of her reading her script. I really wish that I could have gotten her to look up so it doesn't look like she is sleeping. Also I really wish that the script would have had a cover so you could actually tell what she was reading, instead of a binder. I wish that the the lighting was a little better because the left side of the photo is brighter than the other. Also I wish that the railing wasn't in the back of the photo. Other than that I feel like these photos turned out really well.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tuesday April 27,2015




These are the tigers got talent photos that I got. I'm quite surprised that they turned out so good. I really wish that I would have gotten closer to the stage. I like that I caught the expression on the faces of the singers. I really wish that I could have gotten more pictures with the people's eyes open. Other than that I like the photos I got.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Thursday April 23,2015

Right now I am feeling overwhelmed. The first thing that is pushing me is I have Tiger's Got Talent photos that I haven't had a chance to sit down and take care of them. Every time I try to do that something else is thrown in the way. I will get the pictures processed Monday, no ifs ands or buts. I feel that I need to sit back and look at everything and relax. I'm not seperating everything by priority. So here's my agenda. Tuesday-Process TGT photos. Thursday- Process other assignment. I will get this done unless another photo assignment is thrown in my lap. I'm not complaining about being on staff, but I'm just at a point where I'm letting everything get to me. I'm kind of depressed about not shooting prom, but I am glad because it was going to be a new experience, but a time crunch for me. That's enough of my ranting and venting for now. I feel better about everything now.

Tuesday April 21,2015





These are the relay for life pictures that I took. I was kind of unprepared because it was sprung on me, someone was needing me to cover it for her. I went in unprepared but I felt that I did okay. I really wish that I got more pictures of the front of the people instead of the back. One of the hard things about shooting it was the shadows. The sun was so bright that it was causing really harsh shadows on the faces. I really wish that I would have gotten more shots of facial expressions.