Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday November 12,2014

I helped Kinzy with her photo recreation of the paper in a trashcan to look like popcorn. I helped her set up the lighting and paper for the background. I also helped her color her pieces of paper to seperate them from the background. To help with the actual picture I held a piece of white poster board over the top of a flash and angle it down to reflect the light. In helping her I learned how to bounce flash and how important lighting is. It really opened my eyes on how many different ways you can manipulate lighting. It gave me some knowledge on what to do in the future when the lighting is difficult. It helps, because I don't exactly know if and how I will do for my recreation. If I do need lighting it will probably be bounced of a white surface to get a reflection, but not a lighting from one side. Unfortunately my computer will not load the images of me dutifully doin my job. I don't know why they won't load, but I will try again later to get them up and posted, so it will help me for future reference. 

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