Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tuesday March 29, 2016


These are the edited pictures from the baseball game. I really don't like shooting baseball.  Here lately I have come to realize that I am not much of a sports photographer. I really don't know what I'm looking for. I also get bored so quickly and easily, so my pictures don't turn out as good as they could.  I have problems in my life that I am trying to take care of, and it is showing in my pictures. I know that I really need to keep them separated, but it just seems difficult cause when your alone just shooting, your thoughts come up.  Back to these baseball picks. I really wish that I could have gotten closer to pitchers mound, so I could get his facial expression better. I'm just not the best at shooting sports, because I just feel like I'm lost the whole time. 
I really hate to say this, but I kind of can't wait to get put of this school and graduate, even photography isn't making it better. 
I feel like I'm slacking off because I don't really have anything to do and I can't make it to all the meetings because of dance. I don't even know if I am going to be part of the top portfolio because I didn't make the meeting for it.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Thursday March 24, 2016

These are two more advertising photos that would be fun to recreate. The second one is a spark plug. The interesting thing about it is the lighting. There is a red tinted light coming from the left of the spark plug. The lighting is coming from behind the spark plug. The pix sticks picture just has lighting to the right of the sticks with no umbrella for harsh shadows.

My advertising photos all depend on what we decide to do for the portfolio detail wise. Even if I can't use any of these for the portfolio, I want to do these for myself. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Tuesday March 22, 2015




These are the pictures for the vase project. First off I messed up and got them horizontally cause I forgot that the pictures were for online. There were a lot of problems with this photo assignment.

The first one was Aiden is in theater and was never in class. Then, the first day he was in class we had a sub in photography and long story short I wasn't able to get the picture because she called me back to class and wouldn't let me leave again. That really agitated me, and I feel that if I would have been able to get the picture done properly, and not done vertically.

There were problems with figuring out how to arrange this picture. The picture was either supposed to be with their artwork unless they didn't have their artwork. The assignment was made to get them with art supplies without their art. Trying to incorporate the artwork and everything without it jus being stupid. Me and a couple of people bounced around some ides and this is what we came up with. I didn't really like it cause it was hard to get both their faces and still make it look like the were doing art. This was just really complicated to get everything and just make it look right.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday March 17, 2016 UNEDITED PICTURES

These are the pictures of the first baseball game I shot. All I need to say is I need some serious practice. Part of the problem was the game started at 7, which really cut back on the time I had to shoot.  I really need to work on my timing. I don't really have any where they are hitting the ball because the whole time I was there able to get pictures, they hit one ball. I
Since the action shots sucked I tried to look for more photojournalism shots, like the pitcher looking at the opposing player; even that isn't really photojournalism.  

These are unedited because of course the day that Smith isn't here to fix the computers, they want to mess up. I wasn't able to edit my pictures because I couldn't get bridge to work to batch rename them. So nothing is edited.

I feel really bad that all my pictures sucked, and I really wish that I could go back and redo the pictures. I found out that I really don't like shooting with bigma because it is so hard to get around with it and hard to break it down.

Tuesday March 15, 2016



These are the pictures of the STUCO chant being done. The assignment was t get a group of people doing the chant and have them all in different positions. I didn't really have anywhere to stick the people other than in the cafeteria, cause there were no big tables. Of course, it was lunch time so I tried to get a table that really didn't have anyone around it, but there are still people in the background. Of course, there is that stupid trashcan in the background. I was really confused on what exactly the purpose of the picture was. I don't understand how they expected me to be able to get this picture and actually make it look decent. I really wish that there was somewhere I could've taken the picture so that it didn't have all that crap in the background. 

The lighting is niceish in the picture. The people are highlighted while the rest aren't but other than that there is really nothing good about this picture. The background looks so yellow compared to everything, but I color corrected the picture, so the people would be the right color. If that makes sense.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Thursday March 3, 2016




These are the pictures that I used for the picture package for ATPI. These pictures were kind of thrown together but I feel that they turned out okay. I really like the first one, but the second just doesn't look right to me. It may just be the background being red. The last one isn't nearly as strong as the first one. It just lacks the strength of the first one. I really wished that I could have made the package as a whole better. I really feel that these were not the kind of contrast photos that they were looking for, that these were to simple and basic. Because with contrast there is so much more you can do with it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Jostens Entry

I had a plan to enter several more pictures, but getting the release forms signed were a big issue. I couldn't get a hold of the people in enough time, so I couldn't submit the photos.