Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Tuesday March 22, 2015




These are the pictures for the vase project. First off I messed up and got them horizontally cause I forgot that the pictures were for online. There were a lot of problems with this photo assignment.

The first one was Aiden is in theater and was never in class. Then, the first day he was in class we had a sub in photography and long story short I wasn't able to get the picture because she called me back to class and wouldn't let me leave again. That really agitated me, and I feel that if I would have been able to get the picture done properly, and not done vertically.

There were problems with figuring out how to arrange this picture. The picture was either supposed to be with their artwork unless they didn't have their artwork. The assignment was made to get them with art supplies without their art. Trying to incorporate the artwork and everything without it jus being stupid. Me and a couple of people bounced around some ides and this is what we came up with. I didn't really like it cause it was hard to get both their faces and still make it look like the were doing art. This was just really complicated to get everything and just make it look right.

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