Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday Nov. 12, 2015

I have started planning out my self portrait. I have several different ideas that I want to try.  There are about three different things  I want to try

The first plan I want to try is sitting in a chair with the light from the sun shining on part of my face, and let the sun be the light source. I want all of my pictures to be shot at 2.8 so the background will be blurry because no matter where I take it the background will be distracting. I want it to look kind of like some of the pictures from Emily. The plan is to have a light source on the side of my face by the window. I plan on doing it when the light would be softer so there won't be harsh shadows.  Part of the problem will be the light source being so weak that there really won't be any light or the shutter speed will have to be really slow or I would have to have a high ISO. If I did that though my picture would't look like how I wanted.

The second one I want to try is to me laying down on a windowsill looking out and using the sun again. However, I kind of want to try and using a light with an umbrella to add a little bit of light to the part that would be shadowed by the sun light. That way it would be a little more difficult to do.

There are some more abstract ones, like me doing something a little more difficult to get a picture of like me dancing, reading, or just something different. I look at Emily Sandifer's and yes they are good, but they just look like so many posed pictures, like the person looking away trying to look all sophisticated. There is never really any thing abstract. The difficult part of getting a picture of me dancing is getting the focus point to be right because the people helping me don't know how to dance.   This is one that I really want to push myself on. I really don't want to be the norm on this. I want to try and make motion, like a slower shutter speed and blurring like my hair. I really want to make it different and really challenge myself.

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