Monday, November 9, 2015

Tuesday Nov. 10, 2105




This assignment was to shoot freshman and jv football. The freshman team made it to half time before the weather cancelled the game. The jv team never got to play. This assignment was difficult to get people to want to cover it.

I tried to shoot it the same way I shoot varsity, but that didn't work to well. The plays are a whole lot quicker and you don't really know what is going to happen. The fact that they have less experience is a determining factor in how they shoot. They don't know how to play and tend to just run around trying to get to the infield, so I had to try and keep up and watch out for what I thought might happen. however, like in varsity they were unpredictable, but more than most. There was one boy that completely abandoned the play and ran zig zag down the field. Also the lighting was a difficult thing. At the beginning of the game I didn't need a flash. but as the night went on it got darker, but the flash was to bright so I had to turn down the flash. I hated the lighting.

The first picture would have been good, but it was out of focus and centered. Also, none of our players are really able to be seen. The thing I like about the picture was the fact that their player was dropping the ball.The second an third pictures are nothing special, just normal football pictures.The thing that annoys me the most about the second one is the two people on the left side of the picture, they don't really look like they are there to play. On the last one I really wish that there were other people, someone else to be tackling the people. It just seems like those are the only two people playing football. I really wish that the feet of their player weren't blurry. I kind of wish that the jv game wasn't cancelled because then I would have been able to get a lot more pictures, but I was also happy that the games got cancelled because I got to go home and do homework. 

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