Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tuesday April 26, 2016

When we went to ATPI I went to a class about astrophotography. The class was kind of boring, but I did learn some things. There are two different ways to shoot astrophotography. You can sit it on a tripod and let the revolution of the Earth give you the blur of the stars, like the first one. Or you can get an expensive hi tech tripod that moves to keep from having motion blur like the second one. I got to see one of the lenses used for astrophotography and it was weird. It doesn't look like a giant lens like I would expect but it's short and glasses I think. The thing I learned about astrophotography is you have to find a place where you aren't going to get a lot of interference from city lights or smog. You have to get somewhere far away from people. It can take about sixty minutes to get a picture. You have to give the camera time to cool and everything, so you can't take back to back pictures. For this, you need to know your stars and everything, so you actually have something to get a picture of other than just a bunch of random stars. You can make something to keep from getting star blur other than getting a fancy tripod; you can make our own little contraption that the teacher told us we could make, but you have to move it like every five seconds. It just takes a lot of patience and knowing a lot of information.

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