Thursday, December 18, 2014


This is my favorite picture of all the pictures I have taken all year. It made me happy because it was exposed properly. Also it was a really fun picture to shoot. I had to have help getting the ligthing right, but I really like it. The biggest problem was getting the nail polish bottles to stay in a stack.

This was just a lucky chance I stumbled on. In the picture I just wish I could have had the spider web show up better. I know it is a little under exposed, but it is one of my better images of the year. Also the background is brighter than the foreground, which I know is a no-no, but I didn't think about it at the time.
This is my painting with light picture. I am happy about this because I never thought I would be able to understand painting with light. I am happy because it looks really cool. I am also with that little part of the light that is brighter than the rest.

This is one of the pictures I took around school one day. I just happened to stumble upon the tennis ball stuck behind the fence. The very edge of the tennis ball is over exposed, but other than that it is properly exposed.

This is one of my favorite pictures beacuse I was really testing the limits on exposing properly. This one is exposed properly only because I started out underexposed and worked my way up to see how the histogram changed.

This is my little grasshopper friend. I found him sitting there while I was trying to find something to get pictures of. He patiently sat there waiting for me to get the exposure right. When I did ,voila a perfectly exposed grasshopper image.

This was one of the many pictures I took ona rainy day. I took pictures of the raining fallin waiting for the perfect spalsh in the right quadrant of the camera. I know it is under exposed, but when I slowed the shutter speed down it took the dramatic effect of the rain away. I really wish I knew how to expose it properly and still get the effect I wanted.
This is an okay picture. I cut off the head and tail of the peacockin the background, a no-no. It is also underexposed, but she moved right after I got this shot. I feel like I cut her off at the right point, not like the one in the background. I find I have a habit of not checking the background before taking a picture.
This was my happy mistake. I didn't know what I had done to get the background like I did. I was so happy when I got the shot. I still am a little lost on how I got the picture to look like this, si I need to go back and examine everything carefully.

I know a random coke can. I am pleased with this picture because this was my first time with a flash. I was just putting random things together to get a picture. This was the outcome. I was happy because it was properly exposed. 

Thursday December 18,2014


These are my painting with light photo recreations. I decided to do both of the pictures because I was having a hard time with the flower. I firgured if I did both it might redeem the flower pictures. I really wish I could have had better flashlights to do my project. I had a really big powerful one and a small weaker one. I know I had a lot of time to do this but I had a lot of things going on trying to keep up with everything. The flower picture I was having trouble with because I couldn't get the light like the original picture. I really wish I could get it right. It really upset me when I couldn't get the lighting right. The coke can was easier. It took me a couple of tries to get the spiral right, but I got it in the end. If the light would have been alittle bit stronger it would have been more like the original. I will go back and do this. I know I say that about almost every failed project, but this one I will; when I actually get time.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tuesday December 16, 2014




These were the pictures I tried to take with a flash while I was in Hot Springs. I learned that I am really bad with a flash. Also the pictures I took with a flash all turned out flat. I really needed something to bounce he light off of and not just beam them with it. The lighting was also to bright on it. I also had the flash on the lowest strength on the overexposed pictures. Therefore I know that using the flash outside and in the dark is not something I am good at.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday December 11,2014

These are my flash stop motion pictures. It took me awhile to get the settings right to get it to look like this. Even now I wish that the person would be more in focus, but practice makes perfect. I started off with really blurry images. I had my shutter speed to slow and wasn't following the subject completely. I understand how to do it, but actually getting it done is another thing. I want to get out and try this again because I really feel that I can dobetter and I want to do my best. I will do this again when I am at a less stressful time. I want to upload more of my pictures, but my computer is taking forever to upload anymore.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday December 9,2014




This was my practice for my painting with light photograph. I wasn't using my Rebel, I was using my own camera. I really didn't know what I was doing. I was just putting the light where I thought I needed it. The last one has to be my favorite because it has a softer more subtle light to it, where the first one looks like it has a light coming out of the flower. The middle is okayish, but I don't like it. I have to work on getting softer shadows on the flower. I don't have the leaf yet so that will be just as hard I imagine. The part I am confused about is how to do the background. Do I point the flashlight at the wall or at the floor to get the lighting right.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday December 4,2014

These are my plans to recreate my picture of painting with light. I drew out where the lights and darks of the picture were. I really looked into the picture and found out all the little spots of lighting. I realise now that may be hard, but I will push through the challenge and do this. I really look forward to geting a finished product because I feel like it will turn out well. The back lighting is blue with a dark blue background. The flower is white and a dark green leaf is behind it. Parts of the picture has no light,so I must be careful to not shine the light in that area. Other parts have quite a bit of light, so I will have to make sure I shine the light there good enough.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2,2014 Tuesday

This is my painting with light image I am going to try and recreate. I know that there are two different lights that I have to worry about. The lighting on the flower is a soft shadow light source. This means that when I use the snoot on my flashlight I will need to find a way to diffuse the light, like a piece of white paper on the end. The background light is just a solid light with a snoot with no diffusion panel. The hardest part I think will be lighting the inside of the flower correctly. Other than that I feel pretty confident that the rest of it will be easy once I really learn how to paint with light.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20,2014

This was my failed attempt at recreating the photo of the dancer. I found out that my light set up was all wrong. Instead of shooting from above I shot from an angle, which didn't light the person right. To light it right I've got to create a cone around the flash. I need black paper to block the light from the person and only shoot the light on the tutu. Therefore I've got to shoot this again and get it right. I've really learned how you can manipulate light with this photo.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday November 18,2014







This is the recreation of the nail polish ad from earlier. In my lighting I had two flashes and one umbrella. The one without a umbrella was facing the background to reflect the light on the left side. The second light, with the umbrella, was facing the nail polish on the right side. The first light power was set to 1/8, and the one on the right was set to 1/4. The first photo is when I was getting the background lit properly. The second was my first attempt to get the nail polish lighting correct. The third is the successful lighting of the polish.  The next two are my final products. I really wish that the nail polish was leaving a longer drop. The last photo was a quick save by a fellow photographer to save the nail polish. Overall I like the photos. I really do wish though that I could have been able to make the drips longer, to do that I really needed it to dry out a little bit longer. The aperture was the main part of the picture. I really want to do something like this again.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday November 12,2014

I helped Kinzy with her photo recreation of the paper in a trashcan to look like popcorn. I helped her set up the lighting and paper for the background. I also helped her color her pieces of paper to seperate them from the background. To help with the actual picture I held a piece of white poster board over the top of a flash and angle it down to reflect the light. In helping her I learned how to bounce flash and how important lighting is. It really opened my eyes on how many different ways you can manipulate lighting. It gave me some knowledge on what to do in the future when the lighting is difficult. It helps, because I don't exactly know if and how I will do for my recreation. If I do need lighting it will probably be bounced of a white surface to get a reflection, but not a lighting from one side. Unfortunately my computer will not load the images of me dutifully doin my job. I don't know why they won't load, but I will try again later to get them up and posted, so it will help me for future reference. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday November 11,2014










These are the pictures I got while I was in Hot Springs. The first picture is just one I was looking at the settings to see around what I needed.The second one was inspired by a picture I saw online. I know that it is overexposed, but I like it. I do plan however to go back and retry to get a properly exposed picture. The third picture was just pure accident I stumbled upon it. I took several shots to get it right, but none of them are properly exposed. I realize now looking back that I completely ignored the background, a big no no. The third was shot through a fence on the peacock pen they had. I feel that if I would have had a flash the picture would have turned out exposed better. I think that if I would have turned the ISO to 800 it might have been better. The same goes for the fourth picture. The fifth, sixth and seventh pictures are pictures of flowers, which I'm surprised are still alive. I wish I could have gotten closer to the flowers, but the focus wouldn't let me. By this point I was so cold, I was about ready to call it a day, but then the idea for the last picture hit me. I wanted to go down to the springs to try and get a creepy picture of the steam coming off the water. I wanted to do it in the cave, but the lighting didn't allow me to. I thought about it half way home that maybe if I set my ISO at 100 and used the flash on the camera, I may have had a creepier shot. I really want to go back and redo most of these shots, and make them better. Next time I know to bring a flash with me.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 6, 2014

This is my layout plan for my ad recreation. I need the plexiglass so the nail polish wont leave into the paper. To make the nail polish that way is to leave it open until it gets semi dry so it wont run. I plan on getting square nail polish at the dollar store. I may or may not need a flash it just depends on how it looks without it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4,2014

I would like to do one or both of the ads for nail polish. The first one will definitely be fun to do. A flash really won't be needed, but I want to use one to add depth to the picture. The second one woudl be more difficult because the colors mix and the whole layout. There is again no real need for the flash, but I think they might have used one to the right, angling down on the polish.I am undecided right now on which one to do. I might actually end up doing both.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Recreation Set Up

The top of the hands will be the hardest because they are the brightest part of the picture. I know it will take time and patience for me to get the picture right. I feel really confident in this project unlike the creeper project.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Photo Recreation

This is the photo is the photo that I want to recreate for this six weeks. I need to use a flash on a flash stand, with a piece of dark paper to block the light from the top half of the person. I know that it will be interesting to shoot this because my mom will not want to put a tutu on. This is only one of the pictures I want to recreate. Most of them I want to recreate are of dance; it definitely shows my love for dance.

Friday, October 24, 2014

A Day Around The School







I took the camera out in class and walked around the school looking for different things. I started at the pond and got some pictures that were okay. The picture of the tree I was wanting to get the spiderweb in the bark better but I couldn't get any closer to it. I also had the same problem with the worm and ants.  The picture of the plant with the wood in the background was when I wanted to get a picture of the wood but it would not focus on it.  The picture of the spider is underexposed, but when I made my shutter speed slower it was over  exposed. After looking back now I realize that the flower was in the shade when I shot it, but I was to oblivious to notice that my ISO was still at 100, but I set my shutter speed lower so I was not over exposed. The tennis ball I just happened to stumble upon. I realize that it is nothing special, but I thought it would be a nice picture. The fence in that picture was thre hard part. It was hard totry to get it to focus on the ball and the fence and not just the fence. While I was out I tried my habd at tennis photos, but none were even worth putting on my blog. All the pictures I stopped the motion, but not at the right moment. The foreground was in focus but other than that it was bad. I know now that I need to work on my timing of my photographs more.