Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday October 27, 2015





These are the last minute pictures that were for the newspaper. I really hate unit the last minute to get pictures done especially for newspaper. The three with the sports objects are the teachers are extreme fans. The second one is of the story of the gymnast that spends many hours at the gym.  I am contemplating wether the one of the gymnast is considered an outside assignment because I did it outside of school, but all the pictures really all look the same and I only processed one of the pictures.  I really don't like the last one because it just looks weird. Part of the problem is I didn't have a flash and was on a short time schedule, so I had to have the shutter speed very slow, slower than what I would want.  I like the first one I like because he is doing something different, I got a serious one, but he also wanted to be funny and be different. The one thing that stands out to me is the fact that the foam finger looks kind of weird and kind of looks like he is trying to flip people off. The problem I see with it his eyes look like the are closed or closing, but that is how he looked in every picture. The picture of the gymnast was one that newspaper told us what they wanted her to be doing in the picture. I really wish that I could have gotten a different angle, but if I would have shot the other direction I would have had a lot of distracting crap in the background. I just don't feel really good about this picture. I'm not a big fan of it, I don't think that I would have felt that good about it no matter what I did for it. I feel like the problem I had a picture that was all nicely lit and theatrical looking, then I had to go to a training room and get a picture. I really wish that everything wouldn't have been procrastinating on for this issue. 

Thursday October 20, 2015



These are my football pictures from the Sulphur Springs game. I felt better about this game than the last one. Lord knows I shot less pictures because I knew what I was doing better. In the first picture I like it, but he has his eyes closed. I fee like I did better at this game than the Arkansas one.  If I could change one thing it would be that I would take more pictures. I really wish that I would have been more risk taking and waiting until the last little time to completely abandoned my spot. I feel like my timing was better this game than it has been. I also feel that the exposure has definitely done better than the first game I shot. I'm happier than I was the first game. The guy in the first picture makes me mad. Every time I get a picture of him he has his eyes closed. Looking back now I realize that the bottom picture is not straight, it's a little tilted to the right.  I am kind of happy with these, but none are really competition worthy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday October 20, 2015



These are the headshot for Meghan Brown. This assignment was difficult because the first time I tried to get the picture she had forgotten her medals, and she didn't want to smile. Those pictures were really more for practice and it gave me a chance to get the lighting right. Looking back now it looks like I had the flash dead center behind me a little off to the right side but not a lot. I really wish I would have had it farther to the right so her shadow would be cast of forwards the left, which really isn't in the picture. Her hair in the first one was an issue, but the second one she isn't exactly in focus. It looked like she was, but when I got back she was just a little bit out. I really wished I would have done a high key, but I feel that with her squinting it would have made her look like a ghost. I really wish that she could have been more energetic like holding her medals out and giving a little bit of attitude to it, but she is a very reserved shy person. She would have looked very awkward if I tried to break her out of her shell. However this time I got her to smile and be more pleasant. All in all I think that the pictures turned out pretty good, not my best studio pic I've done.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday October 15, 2015




These are the pictures form the sulphur springs pep-rally. I am kind of disappointed with these compared to the ones from the last pep-rally.  I don't like these pictures because they are darker and more underexposed than the last ones. The big thing was that we were supposed to get pictures of the homecoming court when they got picked. Waldrep wouldn't tell us so we just had to space out and hope to get them. I was kind of unprepared so I was just able to get side shots of Shoalmire. I kind of like the last picture because it shows the ripple effect they did. Shooting with a 4.0 70-200 is kind of difficult at pep-rallies. I still haven't really gotten the exact settings I need for in the gym. I really don't have much to say about these because I feel like I keep repeating myself on these blogs.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday Oct. 13, 2015


This is my headshot of Mrs. Medley. This is where I learned how to do a high key in the studio. I learned last year to do a high key but it wasn't in the studio.  I kind of wished that the lighting wasn't already set up so I could learn how to do it. The difficult part of the picture was getting to her height. It was kind of awkward to get at her height. I really don't have much to say because Smith was there to help me through the process.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday October 8, 2015



This assignment was one that I did for somebody else. This assignment in the beginning really confused me. The assignment wanted a picture of her with a soccer ball and a net in the background, possibly with a stethoscope around her neck. The problem was she wasn't told that they were getting her picture so she didn't have a stethoscope. The second picture was the one to have a net. I was just trying it out to see how it would look. I knew that the background wouldn't be creamy, but I didn't want them to say that I didn't try to get one without the net. That was when I really needed the flash for that one. However, I don't like it because the background is in focus completely. The first one was the picture that was used. I found it difficult to get the picture because it was a bright sunny day. This was when I had to over power the sun with the flash. I started out with it set in ettl mode, but then had to change to manual to get the lighting right. In ettl mode I couldn't get the power setting low enough to not make it flat. Part of the reason I had a problem was because I didn't have an umbrella to reflect the light and I didn't have time to run back to the class and get it. I had to set the flash power at 1/64 to get her lit up without having harsh dark parts on her face because of the sun. I really feel like there isn't much to the picture. It just seems so bland without anything to it. I really wish that there weren't cars in the background. I really didn't have an option because if I turned her the sun would have been even harder to deal with. I still feel like there is a slight haze to the picture, but then maybe I'm just seeing things. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday October 6, 2015

These are two pictures that I found on a blog of a friend. really want to try and do this picture. I really don't know what I would do to do this. I know I would need water sprayed on the sheet of plexiglass and a bowl full of Skittles or M&M's. I would need to shoot with a macro lens to get the close detail of the picture. I could use books  or something else to hold up the plexiglass. I assume that I need the flash with an umbrella because if not they wouldn't need it there. I may do this in the fourth period class where I have time or I may do it after everyone gets done with the creeper project so I can get the light stand and everything without messing with anybody else's creeper project. I know that I will need big water droplets so you can see the colors and everything. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday Oct. 1, 2015



These are the pictures from the jr. class ring orders. This assignment was kind of awkward because to get good shots was to get behind the table and shoot the students. At the beginning I was trying to shoot from the same side of the table as the students, then I realized that those were crap. Then I went around the table to be behind the sales people. One of the hard parts of the assignment was showing that they were ring sales, and not just students looking down at a table. I don't like the first one because the sales man hand is in the way of the ring sizing. The second one I like more, but I feel like there is so much blank space that really doesn't matter. I don't like that I cut off the elbow and part of the woman's head, but she isn't the main focus of the picture. Honestly nobody cares about her. It felt kind of weird sitting behind them waiting on people to show up.