Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday September 15, 2015




These are the pictures from the soul meeting. I had mixed emotions about shooting this assignment. They wanted pictures of them in prayer. I felt really disrespectful getting pictures while people are praying because prayer is a persons time to themselves; not be invaded by some person with a camera. It just felt weird getting pictures because they are reading out of a bible, but I'm getting pictures. People just kept looking at us trying to figure out why we were there. All in all though it was a good experience. The hard part was trying to make sure people didn't get in the shot because they were standing in a circle. The photos were a little underexposed but not to bad. I felt really nervous about taking the pictures of 1/80. I always tend to get nervous shooting so slow because the motion aspect worries me. Every time I tend to shoot slower a movement blurs the picture. I tried to use a flash, but it made the pictures look really weird. The light just seemed to highlight the whites but not touch the blacks. 

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