Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday Sept. 24, 2015




These are the pictures from the Texas vs. Arkansas football game. Going into this game I was really nervous because this was the first time shooting football, especially the field. I knew that this was a big game and I didn't want to completely mess it up. I spent the whole night trying to get the settings and position right. At the beginning of the game I wasn't using flash because I didn't need it and I was also nervous about using it. In the beginning of using the flash I had no idea what to do. In the beginning I had it set to et and high sync speed, but I didn't have it in the exactly right settings. I can't remember off the top of my head what Smith changed the flash too, but I would know it if I saw it. Then at the beginning of using the flash I had the power to high, so I was catching all the dust. Then I talked to another student and she helped me figure out the fact that my flash was to high. I had to mess with the flash a little bit until I got it set at the right strength.  Then I really had to work on my timing. Some pictures I got mad about because the Arkansas player would be in focus and ours would be behind him. I felt better knowing that a support system was there with me, that there were people there that knew a lot more than I did. I learned a lot about how to shoot football by messing up. 

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