Wednesday, October 19, 2016


I have a website that has some of my photography on it and if you wanna check it out click the link. Morris Photography Thanks.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Thursday May 12, 2016

Motion photography can be two different things. One where you stop motion with no motion blur in the background, or two, you have a motion blur in the background from where you followed a moving object. Nascar is a good representation of that because they are always moving. You can follow the moving object at a constant speed and get the motion blur in the background like the first one, with a slow shutter speed. Two, you can set a fast shutter speed and get completely stop motion like the second one.

Thursday May 5, 2016

Fashion photography is much like makeup photography. You want the lighting to make the model look eloquent and beautiful. You want the emphasis to be on your product t and make it look stunning. There's really not a lot to say about fashion photography other than I wouldn't want to do it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuesday May 10, 2016

These are time lapse pictures. There are two different types of time lapse per say. One you can take multiple pictures during the action and then select certain ones and layer them in photoshop. Then you can have the paining with light technique and letting the shutter stay open for a long period of time. I have done the leaving the shutter opened and painted with light. It is difficult, but isn't that difficult for me. I haven't tried taking several stills and then layering them. It doesn't sound like it would be that difficult, but layering the images ma be where it difficult. It doesn't acquire any flashes with painting with light unless you have something that you want exposed, but doesn't have any light on it. The layering may have extra lighting but doesn't have to if you don't need it.

Tuesday May 17, 2016

These are macro pictures. To do macro photography you need a macro lens and a tripod for sure. When I was looking at macro photography I saw a lot of insects. I think that getting micro of insects would be very hard because bugs scare easily and it's a long waiting process. To shoot macro you to use additional lighting to get everything exposed properly. You can do the overdone water drop or you could do the water drops on something that have something in the drop. The lighting on micro needs to usually have an umbrella so it isn't so harsh. Macro is an interesting form of photography that requires its own skill level. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Tuesday May 3, 2016

I am looking at beauty photography. Beauty photography uses either son lighting or heavenly like lighting.  The photographer is trying to make the model look as beautiful as possible.  The soft lighting hides the models flaws on her skin better.  The heavenly lighting gives a soft light on the face from the bright background. Beauty photography is focused on the face usually to advertise makeup or a hair product. The lighting uses an umbrella to reflect the light and make it softer. A need for this is a good makeup artist and hairstylist. The lighting wants to look natural and not like it came from a flash. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Thursday April 28, 2016

Continuing my looking at different types of photography. The first thing I know about wedding photography is you need off camera flash. If you only have a flash on the camera or no flash at all, you are doing it wrong. The thing about wedding photography is telling the story and catching the detail. When you are getting pictures before the wedding, like of the dress or the bride, you want to try and catch the detail and gorgeousness of the dress. You want to try and make everything look as pretty as possible.When you are shooting the ceremony itself, you want to tell the story. You want to make sure you try and capture everything. When shooting before the wedding, you can use natural lighting of that go the window to backlight something. I don't really like the second picture because the lighting is so bright, because there is no umbrella on the flashes.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tuesday April 26, 2016

When we went to ATPI I went to a class about astrophotography. The class was kind of boring, but I did learn some things. There are two different ways to shoot astrophotography. You can sit it on a tripod and let the revolution of the Earth give you the blur of the stars, like the first one. Or you can get an expensive hi tech tripod that moves to keep from having motion blur like the second one. I got to see one of the lenses used for astrophotography and it was weird. It doesn't look like a giant lens like I would expect but it's short and glasses I think. The thing I learned about astrophotography is you have to find a place where you aren't going to get a lot of interference from city lights or smog. You have to get somewhere far away from people. It can take about sixty minutes to get a picture. You have to give the camera time to cool and everything, so you can't take back to back pictures. For this, you need to know your stars and everything, so you actually have something to get a picture of other than just a bunch of random stars. You can make something to keep from getting star blur other than getting a fancy tripod; you can make our own little contraption that the teacher told us we could make, but you have to move it like every five seconds. It just takes a lot of patience and knowing a lot of information.

Thursday April 21, 2016

At one time I thought a bout going into pet photography. I decided it probably wouldn't be best for me cause I don't have the patience to try and get a pet to sit still in a spot long enough for me to get the lighting and everything set perfectly. I feel that if you had a well behaved animal than it would be very possible. I tried it once with my dog and it was okay, but I didn't have any lighting or anything, they were very basic pictures. When doing pet photography you have to make sure the animal is in a setting and situation they are comfortable in. If not all the pictures are going to turn out looking like crap because the animal is uncomfortable. 
Wildlife photography is kind of like pet photography other than you have one time to be able to get the right picture. You can't just keep resetting everything and retrying it. You have to get it right before hand. I know I don't have the patience for that. I couldn't sit in extreme conditions and hope that animals that have been following the same pattern choose the follow the same pattern the time you are out there. It's not something I want to do.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tuesday April 19, 2016





I don't remember if I ever put any of these pictures on my blog. These are the pictures I took with a lensbaby. I'm not sure I like the lense all that much. It's something that would have to grow on me. I don't like not having control over the aperture. It made it kind of harder to expose it properly. The thing I don't like is how all the photos look flat. We used the pop up flash like the teacher said and it gave it a little bit of depth, but not a whole lot. It's just a weird little lens that would take a lot of getting used to.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Thursday April 14, 2016

I've decided to take some blogs and explore different types of photography. I was looking at food photography and weird little kinds like that. You have all types of photography, like wedding and bugs and sports. When I went to ATPIWC I sat and listened to the speaker of sports action photography. She has shot for several different sports. I wouldn't mind shooting sports, as long as it isn't the mainstream sports like football and basketball and baseball. Shooting weddings wouldn't be to bad, but I feel that my skills at catching stories in pictures aren't good enough for that yet. Bug photography would need a macro and a lot of patience. I'm not sure I have the patience for that too much. The same thing with just basic wildlife photography. It would be fun, but I'm not sure I could sit there and wait for awhile. For sports, something crazy like figure skating and racing would be something I would be interested in shooting.Food photography would be okay, but I feel like I would get really agitated with that very quickly. I just have to find the kind of photography that I am good at and am happy doing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tuesday April 12, 2016

Looking at recipes I have seen a lot of food photography. I feel like it would be rather interesting to try this. I see having problems with getting the lighting on the food. Cause like the one listed below the lighting is on the left but the food is reflecting the light. I just feel like getting the lighting to hit the food right and not make it look horrible would be difficult. I feel like it would be rather interesting to try and do this. From what I've seen most of the lighting is soft, because harsh lighting makes the food look horrible. There is also a lot of contrast between the food and the background. The food is lit, but the background kind of fades away. The background and foreground are decorated by ingredients that go with the recipe. The hardest part will be getting the food to look decent, cause I can't cook anything that looks decent and I don't know anyone that can make something look good. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Thursday April 7, 2016

I have to find everything I need, to work on all those advertising pictures I want to take. I need to sit down and make a list and actually figure out the lighting. I don't have any pictures to stick on my blog right now cause I haven't been assigned to anything and I've been trying to keep my grades up in all my classes.  I know for some of my pictures, I need a spark plug, an apple, some earphones, and some coffee beans. I really don't know where the money for this will come from, but I will find a way to get everything. It will probably be later this year, possibly not this school year, before it gets done though. I kind of felt bad the other day when I realized how many more times I will be shooting for this program. I can honestly say I will miss the program, but not many of the people.
It makes me kind of sad to realize that this is the end of my high school photography. Here are some of my pictures throughout the years.
My first pep-rally picture sophomore year.
My first headshot sophomore year.
Finally, my epic failure at the creeper project


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tuesday April 5, 2016


These are the pictures of power lifting. I was kind of taken off guard cause when I walked into class and my teacher told me to go get pictures. I was kind of confused on what exactly they wanted, and they told me to just get them working out. 

The first time  tried to get the pictures, I didn't take a flash or anything, and they didn't turn out all that well. Then when I went back to class to see what I needed to do to make them better. I was told to get a pig tail to put the flash on and shoot from a lower angle. The problem with using flash with people with glasses is the glare. In some of the pictures I took he had to take his glasses off cause I couldn't avoid the glare. I would say this is the best of all the pictures I took. Of course, my teacher is probably going to tell me that there are some more that are better.  I really hat et coloring of the picture because the background looks really not white balanced, but when you white balance it, it makes the person and everything blue. I tried to find a common ground where the person was't so yellowy and the background isn't so yellow. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Thursday March 31, 2016

This is really random, but  was looking back at everything and I saw the progression of my photography skills. In the beginning, I had the person up against the brick wall. I like the natural lighting of the picture, but other than that nothing about the first picture is horrid. The second one has has better lighting, but I hate the lighting of the main hallway. 
I have experimented with different places around the school to get head shots.  The math and science building is pretty good for head shots, but the lighting for the background is annoying. Other than that there really are no other places to take decent head shots.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tuesday March 29, 2016


These are the edited pictures from the baseball game. I really don't like shooting baseball.  Here lately I have come to realize that I am not much of a sports photographer. I really don't know what I'm looking for. I also get bored so quickly and easily, so my pictures don't turn out as good as they could.  I have problems in my life that I am trying to take care of, and it is showing in my pictures. I know that I really need to keep them separated, but it just seems difficult cause when your alone just shooting, your thoughts come up.  Back to these baseball picks. I really wish that I could have gotten closer to pitchers mound, so I could get his facial expression better. I'm just not the best at shooting sports, because I just feel like I'm lost the whole time. 
I really hate to say this, but I kind of can't wait to get put of this school and graduate, even photography isn't making it better. 
I feel like I'm slacking off because I don't really have anything to do and I can't make it to all the meetings because of dance. I don't even know if I am going to be part of the top portfolio because I didn't make the meeting for it.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Thursday March 24, 2016

These are two more advertising photos that would be fun to recreate. The second one is a spark plug. The interesting thing about it is the lighting. There is a red tinted light coming from the left of the spark plug. The lighting is coming from behind the spark plug. The pix sticks picture just has lighting to the right of the sticks with no umbrella for harsh shadows.

My advertising photos all depend on what we decide to do for the portfolio detail wise. Even if I can't use any of these for the portfolio, I want to do these for myself. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Tuesday March 22, 2015




These are the pictures for the vase project. First off I messed up and got them horizontally cause I forgot that the pictures were for online. There were a lot of problems with this photo assignment.

The first one was Aiden is in theater and was never in class. Then, the first day he was in class we had a sub in photography and long story short I wasn't able to get the picture because she called me back to class and wouldn't let me leave again. That really agitated me, and I feel that if I would have been able to get the picture done properly, and not done vertically.

There were problems with figuring out how to arrange this picture. The picture was either supposed to be with their artwork unless they didn't have their artwork. The assignment was made to get them with art supplies without their art. Trying to incorporate the artwork and everything without it jus being stupid. Me and a couple of people bounced around some ides and this is what we came up with. I didn't really like it cause it was hard to get both their faces and still make it look like the were doing art. This was just really complicated to get everything and just make it look right.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday March 17, 2016 UNEDITED PICTURES

These are the pictures of the first baseball game I shot. All I need to say is I need some serious practice. Part of the problem was the game started at 7, which really cut back on the time I had to shoot.  I really need to work on my timing. I don't really have any where they are hitting the ball because the whole time I was there able to get pictures, they hit one ball. I
Since the action shots sucked I tried to look for more photojournalism shots, like the pitcher looking at the opposing player; even that isn't really photojournalism.  

These are unedited because of course the day that Smith isn't here to fix the computers, they want to mess up. I wasn't able to edit my pictures because I couldn't get bridge to work to batch rename them. So nothing is edited.

I feel really bad that all my pictures sucked, and I really wish that I could go back and redo the pictures. I found out that I really don't like shooting with bigma because it is so hard to get around with it and hard to break it down.

Tuesday March 15, 2016



These are the pictures of the STUCO chant being done. The assignment was t get a group of people doing the chant and have them all in different positions. I didn't really have anywhere to stick the people other than in the cafeteria, cause there were no big tables. Of course, it was lunch time so I tried to get a table that really didn't have anyone around it, but there are still people in the background. Of course, there is that stupid trashcan in the background. I was really confused on what exactly the purpose of the picture was. I don't understand how they expected me to be able to get this picture and actually make it look decent. I really wish that there was somewhere I could've taken the picture so that it didn't have all that crap in the background. 

The lighting is niceish in the picture. The people are highlighted while the rest aren't but other than that there is really nothing good about this picture. The background looks so yellow compared to everything, but I color corrected the picture, so the people would be the right color. If that makes sense.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Thursday March 3, 2016




These are the pictures that I used for the picture package for ATPI. These pictures were kind of thrown together but I feel that they turned out okay. I really like the first one, but the second just doesn't look right to me. It may just be the background being red. The last one isn't nearly as strong as the first one. It just lacks the strength of the first one. I really wished that I could have made the package as a whole better. I really feel that these were not the kind of contrast photos that they were looking for, that these were to simple and basic. Because with contrast there is so much more you can do with it.