Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tuesday Dec. 15, 2015




These are the pictures from the bpa pictures. I really was not happy with this assignment because the lighting in the room was horrid. The only light was from the lights, that was at the front of the room. 

It was a work of progress trying to get the lighting right. The group picture is just one of many group shots I took. The sponsor seemed to believe that I was there to get a group pic, but I didn't know anything because the card didn't say anything. The first picture is one of the ones where I was trying to figure out all of my settings. 

I really never want to have to shoot like this ever again. The lighting was just ugh. It was agitating. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday Dec. 10, 2015


This is my final self portrait. I really wish that I had better time to work on this. I tried to get the picture in time to get it. I had tried to get it past ap physics and dance. I feel really disappointed in this because I feel like I could have done better. I just feel like when it came to getting pictures of myself I just lose ideas. I know I had all these ideas, but when I got a chance to the weather was never right for me to get them. It was raining or it was after dark when I got home. 

I know that this isn't really competition worthy, but I have a little more time to work on this before competition. I hated this assignment because it really tested my patience because of the focus. I know now how hard it is to focus a lens at 1.8. I have several pictures that are complete crap because of the focus.

I wanted to be different and do something that was different than just a head shot, so I added things that described me. That's really the only thing that makes mine different from a normal picture.

Tuesday Dec. 8, 2015





These are the second attempt at my self portrait. I really don't like how my pictures look. 
At first I was just using the light from the christmas tree, but the light wasn't enough, so I put the flash on the camera and bounced it off the ceiling.  I had to put it in manual and turn the power down to 1/64.  I really hate how the background is lit because of the christmas tree. Looking back I realize that if I would have unplugged the christmas tree some of that light  on the background would go away.

I like these but these are not what I want. The background is so distracting from me because part of it is lit up and some is not. Part of the reason I don't like these is because the red of my shirt is reflecting off of the white tree and making me look red. Then of course my dog being the camera hound he is jumped up and licked me in my face, then I made him stay with me a minute. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Thursday Dec. 3, 2015



These are the pictures from the basketball game  against New Boston.  Going into this I knew that I wouldn't have a whole lot of good pictures, because I have never shot basketball before.  I like shooting basketball but it is so fast that it is hard to keep up with. 

It was weird that I wasn't shooting both ends of the court. It was really hard when we were on the defense and the goal we were shooting in was the other end of the court. Defense is hard to shoot when their backs are facing the other end trying to block the people. 

I like the second one quite a bit but of course their player is the one looking up. The other ones I don't like. The last one of corse was the kind of picture Smith said to not get, but I was expecting their player to come up and block, but they were behind her. The first one she was looking down and not looking up.

I know now that you have to be really observant and quick with zooming and hitting the shutter button. Also I have to really watch the defense and try to get the faces of our defense.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tuesday Dec. 1, 2015






These are the practice shots for my self portrait. These were failed attempts, but attempts. 
I was really just messing around just seeing what I could do. About halfway through my dog decided to join me.  

I started of just setting it up and laying on my bed with lighting from a window, but that lighting wasn't enough. I then got a flashlight and put a sock over the end of it to act as a diffuser. That worked for a little bit, but then I wanted to light the background so I took the flashlight and out it pointing at the background and took the shade off of my lamp. That's how I got the really bright background. I was wanting to get rid of the background because I didn't really like that it was a plain wall.

The one thing I really didn't think about was the lamp being in the background. I didn't really think about it, in some the lamp was covered up, and then others it wasn't.  The second one has to be my favorite because it looked more like what I was going for. I really want to try my ideas, I just have to find time.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday Nov. 19, 2015





These are the pictures from the science fair. There really was no description on the pictures so I got one on the way there. The person said to get some of them talking to the kids and some of them debating them. 

I was kind of iffy on this assignment because I had heard from the past that getting pictures of middle-schooled kids was an iffy subject. I tried to avoid getting the kids in the pictures but looking back now I realize that I probably should have gotten some more with them in it. I really like the last picture because it looks kind of like you are seeing the perspective of the kid. I like the second one but it was really underexposed because I was still trying to figure out my settings for the flash at the time. This one on here is after bringing up the exposure a good little bit. 

If I could go back and re-shoot this I would definitely try to get more creative and push the limits on what I could do. There were a couple of time I was tempted to shoot through the poster boards, but I didn't want to completely scare the already nervous 6th graders. I really don't like the first one because he is eating a cookie. I just fell like that just makes it look like they were just there for food. I have some abstract kind of pictures also, like shooting down the posters and a close up of a grading sheet. I know on the second one I cut her head off, but I wanted to keep the title of the project in the picture one to show the amusing title and then kind of show what she was actually looking at. All in all I liked the assignment but I really wish I could go back and redo it.

Tuesday Nov. 17, 2015




The assignment was to get pictures of her pricking her finger to show diabetes. I was told to get close ups of her. I didn't really know how close they wanted so I got both.

I started out with her actually doing with close up shots. Then I just had her act it out again to get the ones that show her whole body. I made sure I had my settings right before I even started so I didn't make her have to prick her finger more than once.  After I took several test shots to make sure everything was okay, I got her to start the whole process. The close up ones I shot at 2.8 because I felt those looked better because then the midsection of her body wouldn't be in focus. The ones of her whole body  shot at f4 because at f2.8 her body wasn't in focus. 

I feel like I was more aware of everything on this assignment. I know I was more aware because I didn't want her to have to repeatedly stick her finger, the I would've felt really bad. I really like the one of her hand with the blood drop on her hand. I'm not a big fa of the full body shots because they really don't show the detail of the picture. This photo assignment taught me that I really need to sit back and really think about the small little details of the picture and making it easier on the person I am getting a picture of.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday Nov. 12, 2015

I have started planning out my self portrait. I have several different ideas that I want to try.  There are about three different things  I want to try

The first plan I want to try is sitting in a chair with the light from the sun shining on part of my face, and let the sun be the light source. I want all of my pictures to be shot at 2.8 so the background will be blurry because no matter where I take it the background will be distracting. I want it to look kind of like some of the pictures from Emily. The plan is to have a light source on the side of my face by the window. I plan on doing it when the light would be softer so there won't be harsh shadows.  Part of the problem will be the light source being so weak that there really won't be any light or the shutter speed will have to be really slow or I would have to have a high ISO. If I did that though my picture would't look like how I wanted.

The second one I want to try is to me laying down on a windowsill looking out and using the sun again. However, I kind of want to try and using a light with an umbrella to add a little bit of light to the part that would be shadowed by the sun light. That way it would be a little more difficult to do.

There are some more abstract ones, like me doing something a little more difficult to get a picture of like me dancing, reading, or just something different. I look at Emily Sandifer's and yes they are good, but they just look like so many posed pictures, like the person looking away trying to look all sophisticated. There is never really any thing abstract. The difficult part of getting a picture of me dancing is getting the focus point to be right because the people helping me don't know how to dance.   This is one that I really want to push myself on. I really don't want to be the norm on this. I want to try and make motion, like a slower shutter speed and blurring like my hair. I really want to make it different and really challenge myself.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Tuesday Nov. 10, 2105




This assignment was to shoot freshman and jv football. The freshman team made it to half time before the weather cancelled the game. The jv team never got to play. This assignment was difficult to get people to want to cover it.

I tried to shoot it the same way I shoot varsity, but that didn't work to well. The plays are a whole lot quicker and you don't really know what is going to happen. The fact that they have less experience is a determining factor in how they shoot. They don't know how to play and tend to just run around trying to get to the infield, so I had to try and keep up and watch out for what I thought might happen. however, like in varsity they were unpredictable, but more than most. There was one boy that completely abandoned the play and ran zig zag down the field. Also the lighting was a difficult thing. At the beginning of the game I didn't need a flash. but as the night went on it got darker, but the flash was to bright so I had to turn down the flash. I hated the lighting.

The first picture would have been good, but it was out of focus and centered. Also, none of our players are really able to be seen. The thing I like about the picture was the fact that their player was dropping the ball.The second an third pictures are nothing special, just normal football pictures.The thing that annoys me the most about the second one is the two people on the left side of the picture, they don't really look like they are there to play. On the last one I really wish that there were other people, someone else to be tackling the people. It just seems like those are the only two people playing football. I really wish that the feet of their player weren't blurry. I kind of wish that the jv game wasn't cancelled because then I would have been able to get a lot more pictures, but I was also happy that the games got cancelled because I got to go home and do homework. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday Nov. 5, 2015






The assignment was to shoot the football game. The assignment was just to get pictures of the game. Then shoot afterwards to try and find people crying.

I shot the football like I always do, just follow the ball. I made sure that I didn't get any pictures of dog piles.

The game was really interesting because we had them from the beginning. The problem was when they got the ball they would run it to  the other side of the field, where I can't shoot. Shooting football with the rules of composition are hard for me because I don't anticipate where they are going so I have to follow them. Then I wind up giving them room to make sure I don't cut anything off, then they are in the center of the picture. I feel like these were good pictures for me to leave varsity football games on. They seem to be sharper and more detailed to me, maybe just because I am being sentimental. But overall I think they are good pictures, but not great. I think this was a good ending to football season for me. I hate to say it, but I will miss it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday Nov 2, 2015



The photo assignment was really nothing. No one said anything about it at all. I asked a fellow classmate if she had any idea for it or knew anything about it. We discussed it and then asked input from our teacher. The picture we were thinking of was just him going to be in front of a computer. Our teacher told us to literally spotlight him. 
My partner thought that we would need a coozie, but but our teacher told us we wouldn't need one. We took several pictures trying to get the position of the lighting right.We had a slight difficulty with getting the light high enough because of the ceiling. Then, the problem was blocking the light from hitting the background. The second one is one that wasn't put in Lightroom and have the background darkened. 
Looking back I realize that if we had something like black paper on the back side of the flash, but not right on top of the flash we could have blocked the light from hitting the background. Then, we wouldn't have had to go into Lightroom and make the background darker. That would have required a third person to hold the paper. Yes, it would have been more difficult, but I believe you get it looking closest to what you want on the camera instead of using the computer to do it.  I feel like if we had a third person this picture would have been so much better and easier looking.

Thursday October 29, 2015






This is the blog that has two of the outside assignments on it. When looking to make sure that my blogs were done I noticed that I didn't have these two assignments on it.  The first ones are from field of faiths and the second group are from the Pine Tree football game. The fields of faith was hard to shoot because it was hard to find the THS kids in the mix of everyone. Part of the problem is I don't know a lot of kids that go to our school. Those that I did know I weren't there. This assignment really taught me that I really need to get out there and not care what people think of you. I know that part of the reason these photos suck is because I felt really uncomfortable being there. I shied away to the back and didn't want to be at the front of the crowd. This really taught me that I need to just don't care about what people think while I am on an assignment. Part of the problem with shooting this was people didn't understand so they kept looking at the camera weirdly like the kid on the edge of the second picture. Now onto the football pictures. I really like the second picture because it is framed by the other two people, however you can't really see the ball carrier. The first one looks like it is know of titled, but I think it is just the way that he is running. The last one I like, but I cut the legs off the people. Also, you really can't tell who our player is, but you can tell who their player is. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday October 27, 2015





These are the last minute pictures that were for the newspaper. I really hate unit the last minute to get pictures done especially for newspaper. The three with the sports objects are the teachers are extreme fans. The second one is of the story of the gymnast that spends many hours at the gym.  I am contemplating wether the one of the gymnast is considered an outside assignment because I did it outside of school, but all the pictures really all look the same and I only processed one of the pictures.  I really don't like the last one because it just looks weird. Part of the problem is I didn't have a flash and was on a short time schedule, so I had to have the shutter speed very slow, slower than what I would want.  I like the first one I like because he is doing something different, I got a serious one, but he also wanted to be funny and be different. The one thing that stands out to me is the fact that the foam finger looks kind of weird and kind of looks like he is trying to flip people off. The problem I see with it his eyes look like the are closed or closing, but that is how he looked in every picture. The picture of the gymnast was one that newspaper told us what they wanted her to be doing in the picture. I really wish that I could have gotten a different angle, but if I would have shot the other direction I would have had a lot of distracting crap in the background. I just don't feel really good about this picture. I'm not a big fan of it, I don't think that I would have felt that good about it no matter what I did for it. I feel like the problem I had a picture that was all nicely lit and theatrical looking, then I had to go to a training room and get a picture. I really wish that everything wouldn't have been procrastinating on for this issue. 

Thursday October 20, 2015



These are my football pictures from the Sulphur Springs game. I felt better about this game than the last one. Lord knows I shot less pictures because I knew what I was doing better. In the first picture I like it, but he has his eyes closed. I fee like I did better at this game than the Arkansas one.  If I could change one thing it would be that I would take more pictures. I really wish that I would have been more risk taking and waiting until the last little time to completely abandoned my spot. I feel like my timing was better this game than it has been. I also feel that the exposure has definitely done better than the first game I shot. I'm happier than I was the first game. The guy in the first picture makes me mad. Every time I get a picture of him he has his eyes closed. Looking back now I realize that the bottom picture is not straight, it's a little tilted to the right.  I am kind of happy with these, but none are really competition worthy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday October 20, 2015



These are the headshot for Meghan Brown. This assignment was difficult because the first time I tried to get the picture she had forgotten her medals, and she didn't want to smile. Those pictures were really more for practice and it gave me a chance to get the lighting right. Looking back now it looks like I had the flash dead center behind me a little off to the right side but not a lot. I really wish I would have had it farther to the right so her shadow would be cast of forwards the left, which really isn't in the picture. Her hair in the first one was an issue, but the second one she isn't exactly in focus. It looked like she was, but when I got back she was just a little bit out. I really wished I would have done a high key, but I feel that with her squinting it would have made her look like a ghost. I really wish that she could have been more energetic like holding her medals out and giving a little bit of attitude to it, but she is a very reserved shy person. She would have looked very awkward if I tried to break her out of her shell. However this time I got her to smile and be more pleasant. All in all I think that the pictures turned out pretty good, not my best studio pic I've done.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday October 15, 2015




These are the pictures form the sulphur springs pep-rally. I am kind of disappointed with these compared to the ones from the last pep-rally.  I don't like these pictures because they are darker and more underexposed than the last ones. The big thing was that we were supposed to get pictures of the homecoming court when they got picked. Waldrep wouldn't tell us so we just had to space out and hope to get them. I was kind of unprepared so I was just able to get side shots of Shoalmire. I kind of like the last picture because it shows the ripple effect they did. Shooting with a 4.0 70-200 is kind of difficult at pep-rallies. I still haven't really gotten the exact settings I need for in the gym. I really don't have much to say about these because I feel like I keep repeating myself on these blogs.